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Arnica Montana 8-Ounce Deep Tissue Organic Skin Salve
Arnica Montana 8-Ounce Deep Tissue Organic Skin Salve

Arnica Montana 8-Ounce Deep Tissue Organic Skin Salve

Your Price: $40.00
For arthritic pain, deep muscle tissue injuries, sprains, FMS, neck and shoulder pain.
Product ID: SLV-301-80
Size: 8 ounces
Arnica Montana is used topically for a wide range of conditions including arthritis, bruises, sprains, muscle aches, wound healing, joint pain, inflammation from insect bites, and swelling from broken bones. This formula melts into your skin as you relax, penetrating sore tissues and muscles.

Cindi has been making infused Arnica oil since the late 1990's after a "vision" came to her to include other assisting herbs for ease of a painful body. Arnica Montana grows in the West, high in the mountain ranges. It produces a yellow stiff flower with small hairs. Native Americans know the power of Arnica with those who have had tissue injuries to the body, sprains, bruises, inflammation, arthritis, Fibromyalgia pain, and PMS pain.

Cindi's vision was to create a blend that includes White Willow Bark for topical pain relief, Skullcap to calm the nerves down, Comfrey Root to help knit wounds, sprains or even broken bones, and Lavender for its soothing effect.?

Over the years, our customers have reported that they used our Arnica Montana Deep Tissue Salve and found relief for radiation treatment burns, other burns or sunburn in general (even on the lips or sensitive places like ears). Many medical professionals purchase this salve to help those who really need some extra relief, including sports massage and deep tissue massage. We have also found great success using this salve on our dogs with arthritis or hip/bone/back problems.

Our salve is made with all organic ingredients and spreads easily onto the areas of need or for deep massage.

Do not use on broken skin as Arnica Montana's fine flower hairs may irritate the open skin areas.

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