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Marshmallow Root Tincture
Marshmallow Root Tincture

Marshmallow Root Tincture

Your Price: $16.25
Marshmallow root is beneficial for soothing respiratory and digestive issues, reducing inflammation, and supporting urniary health.
Product ID: TCT-431-20
In Stock.
Size: 2 oz
Native Americans use Marshmallow root to soothe mucous membranes throughout the body. This herb also has a rich history across various ancient cultures and holds significant importance in Ayurvedic medicine practices.  Marshmallow root is beneficial for soothing respiratory and digestive issues, reducing inflammation, and supporting urinary health. It helps with a dry non-productive cough, soothes sore throats, reduces acid reflux, heartburn, and stomach ulcers by coating and protecting mucous membranes. Marshmallow root can enhance the immune system by enhancing mucous membrane function.

Precautions:  Marshmallow is known to slow down the absorption of orally administered drugs. It is best to take your Marshmallow root tincture an hour before using orally administered drugs or several hours after. 

Contraindications: Do not take it if you are on Lithium, diabetes medications, diuretics, or have low blood pressure.   

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