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Mullein Flower Ear Drops
Mullein Flower Ear Drops

Mullein Flower Ear Drops

Your Price: $10.50
Great for ear aches and tinnitus - even Covid-related tinnitus! Also a superb skin and scalp soother. Made with hand-harvested Mullein flowers in organic virgin olive oil.
Product ID: OIL-304-05
In Stock.
Size: .5 oz
To make this special oil, I harvested the mullein flowers that opened each and every day during its season of blooms. 

Antiviral and anti-inflammatory, mullein flower is a potent painkiller. This oil can be used as a helper for chronic ear infections, general ear infections, and tinnitus. It can also be added to a bath to soothe itchy dry skin, or applied topically to help with psoriasis, eczema or dandruff/itchy scalp. 

Add 3-5 drops into a painful ear. Gently close the ear with a cotton ball and rest for 5-15 minutes.

Some active compounds of mullein include:
  • saponins, which have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and antitumor properties
  • flavonoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
  • phenylethanoid glycosides, which have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antiviral properties
  • iridoids, which have anti-inflammatory properties

Also available:

Mimosa Herbal Tincture
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